SES is celebrating Dr. Seuss this week and all his great literature, like the book "The Cat in the Hat"!
Hat Day 2020. #19EveryStudent

Scott Elementary kindergarten students are learning about Dr. Seuss this week in library. Today, the Cat in the Hat showed up during their library time. They were also enjoying the new furniture delivered to the library. #19EveryStudent

5th grade students performing team building activities during their February PBIS reward! What a great time! #EveryStudent #ScottElementary #ProblemSolvers

Congratulations to our February Students of the Month at Scott Elementary!

Scott Elementary Kindergartners had a great time learning about farm animals at the annual Mascoutah High School FFA petting zoo. #19EveryStudent

February Popsicles with the Principals! Great job displaying humanity this month! #M19EveryStudemt

Second grade winners of the Handwriting Contest enjoy a pizza party to celebrate their hard work! #19EveryStudent

The first graders in Mrs. Nelson's class at Scott Elementary having fun practicing their subtraction facts by having a "snowball" fight. Each snowball had a subtraction fact written on it. They had to write and solve it before throwing it. It was a fun way to practice facts! #19EveryStudent

5th graders were able to sneak outside to get just enough sun to see how the shadow clocks they made worked. #EveryStudent #Mascoutah19

5th graders had a blast playing BINGO for their monthly PBIS reward! #EveryStudent #Mascoutah19

Ms. Foster’s class celebrated 100 day on Monday! #19EveryStudenr

The first graders at Scott Elementary had visitors from Associated Pediatric Dentistry. They spoke to the students about keeping their teeth healthy and visiting the dentist. The students had lots of great questions! #19EveryStudent

SES Indoor Dismissal: Scott Elementary will have an indoor dismissal today at 3:20. Please make certain to have your number displayed on the rearview mirror in the vehicle picking up your children today. Thank you for your cooperation. Susanne Riechmann, Principal

Scott Elementary School students work together to create a Village of Kindness at the Winter Arts Festival. #19EveryStudent

Scott Elementary Kindergarten had a great time celebrating the 100th day of school. #19EveryStudent

Scott Elementary School 5th graders work on coding tilt games with Project Lead the Way. #19EveryStudent

5th graders have fun working with pattern block fractions in math #EveryStudent #ScottElementary

The first graders at Scott Elementary participated in a Go Noodle dance party for their January PBIS reward. #19EveryStudent

In science, 5th graders are collaborating with their peers to help determine the spread of an illness in a school using evidence documents and patient information. #EveryStudent #Mascoutah19 #PLTW

Congratulations to our Popsicles with the Principal winners at Scott Elementary displaying EMPATHY this month! #19EveryStudent